November 19, 2021
December 18, 2020

1000+ verified leads in just 6 months for a B2B Manufacturing Company

Client Overview & Requirement:

Vinis Products are manufacturers and suppliers of Plastic Kerosene Pump, Plastic Barrel Pump, Pharmaceutical Round HDPE Jar, Chemicals Storage Bottle, Pharma Industry Bottle, HDPE Bottle, LDPE Bottle, etc.

The client wanted leads to be generated for his products at the lowest possible cost.


Challenges Faced:

  1. Low product awareness (application + usage process)
  2. The brand is new to using Digital Channels
  3. Niche Audience: Mapping the target customer on Digital channels who are interested in the products

Strategy Implemented:

  • First, we categorized the target audience into two types as per the industry and job titles.
  • We then created a video explaining the working & benefits of the client products and ran ad campaigns on Facebook & Instagram using the video.
  • The video made it easier for the target audience to understand the product & brand.
  • We ran multiple video and single image ad campaigns promoting different content for both types of audiences.

Result Achieved:

  • Generated over 1000 qualified & verified leads within 6 months from over 50+ cities across India