Total Funnel Created Worth ₹30 Lakhs

for an Electrical Safety Audit Company

Current Numbers / Results / Achievements

Client Overview

Technocrat Electrical is a provider of electrical safety audits.

Belief Shared / Targets / Objectives

Technocrat Electrical wanted to reach out to potential clients interested in conducting electrical safety audits at their office, factory, industrial, or hospital facilities. Their objective was to generate valid leads specifically from individuals seeking electrical safety audits at their premises with loads over 1000 KVA.

Challenges Faced by the Client 

The client faced challenges in obtaining quality leads through industry portals and local search engines. The leads generated did not meet their expectations in terms of quality and relevance.

Our Solution (Marketing Strategy)

To address the client's challenges, a strategic marketing approach using Facebook Ads was implemented. The target audience was carefully defined based on their managerial roles, age group (35-60 years), and who have expressed interest in risk management, electrical safety, fire protection, etc.

Target Customer

The main target audience consisted of individuals aged 35 to 60 years who held ownership/managerial positions in industries, hospitals, factories, and similar establishments.

Challenges Faced in Execution

The execution phase presented challenges in effectively targeting individuals specifically interested in conducting an electrical safety audit and whose facilities had a load exceeding 1000 KVA. Refining the targeting criteria was crucial for generating relevant leads.

Services Provided by Paarami

Channels Used

Duration of the Project

The project spanned 1.5 months, from May 12th to June 30th, 2023.

Future Plan of Action

The future plan involves a continued focus on targeting leads interested in conducting electrical audits at premises with an electrical load exceeding 1000 kW. Efforts will be made to refine the lead generation process, further enhance lead quality, and explore opportunities to expand the company's reach.
